It seems like you either hear awesome things about juicing or that is just hype. So let’s talk about the pros and cons.

The biggest advantage – getting in more fruits & veggies, nutrients and fiber especially if it’s tough to normally get these into your diet. Many times people will “juice” in the morning by making smoothies with protein powder, veggies and fruit. This is really “blending” not juicing. 

The Biggest Misconception

Juicing vs. Blending

Ninety-nine percent of the time blending is recommended over juicing (juicing meaning extracting just the juice to drink and removing the skin & pulp). Blending is more beneficial because you’re getting the fiber and more of the nutrients (that is stored mainly in the skin) by blending.

Fiber is beneficial for:

  • Blood sugar control: soluble fiber has been shown to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates having a reduced effect on blood glucose levels
  • Heart health – some studies have shown an inverse association with a high fiber diet and heart health: a 40% reduction in heart disease thus reducing one’s chance of a heart attack, congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease
  • Reducing stroke risk: Researchers have found that for every 7 grams more of fiber you consume daily, you reduce your stroke risk by 7%
  • Weight-loss & weight management: Fiber increases the feelings of fullness by delaying stomach emptying & slows carbohydrate metabolism
  • Skin health: fiber from psyllium husks may help remove yeast and fungus from the body, preventing them from being excreted through the skin where the can cause acne or rashes

The reason why fruits and vegetables are so great for your health is because, as a whole, they provide an abundance of nutrients, vitamins & fiber to help with digestion, promote a healthy weight and fight off some forms of cancer. But when juiced, all of the fiber is removed and most of the vitamins and minerals which are stored in the skin.

Juicing is only recommended if only consuming mainly vegetable juice for 3 days or more – in cases such as fasting for gut health, a chronic issue or a spiritual fast (like the Daniel Fast). When all the pulp and skin is removed you’re left with mainly just the carbs; however, this allows the digestive system to rest, the body a chance to repair and rejuvenate while getting in some calories and nutrients.

Benefits of Fasting:

  • Can help kill food cravings & food addictions
  • Promotes fast weight-loss & fat loss
  • Can help repair and reverse leaky gut
  • Promotes the secretion of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • Can help normalize insulin sensitivity
  • Can slow the aging process (with HGH)

Watch my 21 Day Juice Fast to see the transformations, struggles & what to expect on a juice fast!

When is Juice Fasting Not Recommended? 

If you struggle with insulin or blood sugar issues, are pregnant or breastfeeding should not fast. Fasting while pregnant or breastfeeding could be harmful to the baby. People with diabetes should consult with their doctor before beginning any fast.

Fasting is also not recommended for people who struggle with yo-yo dieting or have a history of an eating disorder. Fasting is very restrictive which can lead to binge eating or further disordered eating later on.

Isn’t juicing “cleansing”? Or Detoxing? 

One thing that is SUPER NOTEWORTHY: There is nothing IN the juice that cleanses your body – your body does all the cleansing with the help of the liver, kidneys and lungs. Of course you can take herbs, for example milk thistle, that helps support liver function, but it is the body that does the cleansing, not the nutrients in the juice.

The reason juicing gets the rep of “detoxing” is because all processed foods, artificial colorings, chemicals, antibiotics, fillers, additives, etc. have been removed thus the body can focus on getting “cleaned” of anything that could be lurking in the blood and body. But again, this process will mainly take place during a juice fast not a glass of carrot juice every day. 


Juicing and blending can both be beneficial. 

Juicing is best to be used as a fast – only juicing for 3 days or more in order to let the digestive system rest, repair and rejuvenate. If grabbing just a glass of juice, whether it be fresh or bottled, you’re getting mostly carbs and nary any nutrients.

Blending should be the go-to 99% of the time to get in more veggies, fiber, vitamins & minerals into the diet. So break out your blender of choice (I LOVE my Nutribullet) and get blending!




American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Mark’s Daily Apple

Dr. Josh Axe