Why You Can’t Lose Weight & Why You’re Still Chubby

If you’ve been struggling with your weight for far a too long, here is some insight to why you are still chubby or why you can’t keep the weight off. 

Below is the transcript to the video.

Hey everyone! Crystal Chester here with
TrueHealthRD.com. Today I want to talk about why you are still chubby. Now, I am
a registered dietitian and I specialize
in functional nutrition in the specialty
of digestive health, but I grew up a
chubby kid – so I know what it’s like to
have to fight that battle, even into
adulthood. But what I also know is that
the weight loss journey is supposed to
have a beginning and supposed to
have an end. It’s not supposed to be your
entire life trying to lose weight. You’re
doing it all wrong if that’s the way
you’re going about it.

So this isn’t a
video on how to lose weight because
there’s a bazillion different ways to
lose weight. You have to find the one
that’s right for you whether it’s
getting more veggies in, or maybe you need
more fat in your diet, maybe you need
less fat in your diet, maybe you need to
stay away from the bad fats, maybe you
need to get all off all processed foods,
maybe you should avoid gluten, maybe
gluten is okay for you, maybe need to get
less sleep, more sleep…. you know what I
mean? There’s a ton of ways to lose
weight and that’s not what we’re talking

We’re talking about people that
can lose weight but they can’t seem to
keep it off. Have you ever met people like
that where they look awesome & they
look great and but you see them like six
months to a year later and either they’ve
gained the weight back or they’re bigger
than when they started. Or maybe that’s
you! There’s a problem here.

What most people don’t know is that we have an
internal autopilot — it’s called the
unconscious brain.

Everything that you’ve ever experienced, seen, touched, heard,
anything that anybody’s ever told you
from your teachers, your parents, your
peers, TV, coaches, pastors…all of that is
stored in your unconscious mind and it
is what drives you to make the decisions
that you make every single day. But
whenever you start trying to eat better
or change anything from your norm like
you’re gonna wake up earlier you’re
going to work out more you’re gonna
drink more water you’re gonna get more
veggies in you’re going to work work
work work work work work
& your mind is going to tell
you — it’s gonna be like “whoa what
are you doing? You’re using a lot of
energy a lot of perseverance to do this
all these changes let’s get you back
down to baseline”. This is called the
Thermostat Effect in neuroscience. We all
have a baseline — our normal process, our
normal ways of doing things and we we are
busting tail trying to lose weight we’re
working working working
working we’re going above that baseline.
And your unconscious mind will try to
get you back down to baseline. It starts
telling you lies that you believe. Like,
“Now you’ve been working seriously hard
you deserve that food!” Or “you deserve that
treat” or “Do you really think it’s going
to take 60 minutes a day to actually get
to where you’re supposed to be?” or “Surely
you can go without sleep, yeah that’s not
a big deal just you know you need to
work out more and sleep less or you need
to eat less and work out more...” That
doesn’t work! Your brain starts telling
you rational lies to take your foot off
the gas and you start to procrastinate.
Or you get down to your goal size and
you think oh I don’t have to work as
hard anymore — I can have a little bit of
this and I can have a little bit of that
because I got down to my goal size. No
you cannot. That is a lie. The reason you
got to that size is because you did
everything right — you ate what you’re
supposed to, got enough sleep got enough
water. So that means that’s the lifestyle
you have to carry out if you want to
live on with that body. But your
unconscious mind will try to tell you
and get you back to baseline.

I have a motto you have to work on one. Work on
one! One thing only.

You have to start
changing that baseline because it also
works in the same way in your favor.
Once you establish that new baseline that you’re
used to waking up early, you’re used to going
for a run everyday, you’re used to eating
healthier food. And for whatever reason you drop down
below that – you go on vacation or maybe just
stuff happens; life happens. It will try
to get you back up to baseline. It’ll
wake you up early, it’ll make you crave
healthier food, it’ll make you want to
get back to that new norm and that is
how you don’t gain the weight back. That
is how you do it.

You have to work on one
thing at least 21 to 31 days I would say
at least 30 days not 31, but 30. Then
make that a habit. Just one thing! Let’s
just say you need to get more
water in. That’s all you have to do is
just work on your water intake because
when you work on your water intake not
only does that help you not eat as many
calories but it also helps your
digestion, also helps your skin, it also
helps hormonal control and all you
have to worry about is focusing on that
one thing. If you start looking at the
you’re whole journey like climbing
Everest you’re not even going to want to
take two steps because it looks
impossible but if you work on one you
will get there. And then you will make
those habits and you will make those
changes and you will not go back. So if
you have not changed your mind set and
you still have that fat
kid baseline, I had a fat kid
baseline and I changed it, now it’s not
hard to keep the weight off. That’s what
you have to do. Forget about the diet’s,
forget about the quick fixes, you have to
change your mind. You have to train
your brain more than you train your body!

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I’ll catch you next time!